here I go........

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I wanna be a butterfly......

I wanna be a butterfly......
this would leave me flying in freedom....
life would be short lived ,but void any boredom.
fluttering my wings in an aroma so fresh....
I would be wearing the lush green sash.
imagine roses and lilies and jasmines and daisies......
playing hide and seek with me like crazies!!!
jumping and hopping and singing and dancing,
I would be over and above all the human trancing.
the uncertainities , the tensions ,the quest for future....
living the moment,the present ....would make me nurture.
no rules no boundations would make me flurry....
nothing would force me to rush things in a hurry.
happy and contended and satisfied I would be,
doing what I had always wanted to do......
flying and dancing and fluttering,
singing and jumping and playing!!!
I wanna be a butterfly.....
